Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas From 6 Wellness Experts

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas From 6 Wellness Experts

3. Mona Dan, Acupuncturist

Acupuncture is predicated on the important links between different parts of our bodies. For Mona Dan, LAc., herbalist, acupuncturist and founder of Vie Healing, that means that one thing that should be on your holiday shopping list this year is Ear Seeds ($34).




“When applied, the magnetic seeds on the pressure points of the ears send signals to the reflex centers of the brain to relax your nervous system to keep your body into processing mode instead of fight / flight mode.”

Functional and beautiful, these 24-carat gold ear seeds are a discreet way to improve your general wellbeing – the perfect gift for a friend or loved one who's managing more than his or her fair share of stress.